EACP Virtual B2B
8-10 June 2021
As a member of the European Aerospace Cluster Partnership, ASTech Paris Region informs you that the EACP is hosting in collaboration with the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) the EACP Virtual B2B - Aerospace Applications & Technologies event, 8 - 10 June 2021. This event offers companies along the entire value chain of the Aeronautics & Space industry an opportunity to make valuable contacts and to find out new topics for international cooperation.
The "EACP Virtual B2B" focuses on innovative SMEs from the aerospace and space sector. The B2B platform will support all players of the branch in establishing new business and research contacts, scouting in different areas.
Participants are invited to register for free and provide a profile describing either an offer or a request. All profiles will be evaluated and published on the website of the Brokerage Event and provide the basis for the booking process.
Topics addressed: Components / Materials / New mobility / Disrupting propulsion technologies / New Space / Advanced Manufacturing / Cutting edge Services / Digitalisation & 4.0 / MRO – Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul / RPAS – Remotely Piloted Aircraft System.
Why participate?
A Welcome Conference addressing opportunities for SMEs will take place in the morning of June 8th. More information will be available soon!