Copernicus "Eyes on earth" roadshow
September 24-25, 2019 - Rotterdam
An EASME and DG GROW initiative, the Copernicus ‘Eyes on Earth’ Roadshow will foster the development of applications with space data and other geo-information systems; develop the technical and scientific skills needed to work in the space data sector; and encourage citizens’ interest in earth observation activities.
This will be done through a series of five highly interactive events in five different EU Member States from June 2019 to March 2020.
The events, which include an expo area with interactive tools, business presentations, interactive masterclasses dedicated to real business cases (e.g. how to deal with heat islands in cities), and network/matchmaking sessions, will provide a multitude of benefits to participants of all ages and all walks of life.
Participation in all Roadshow events is free of charge.