Copernicus au Parlement européen
6 juin 2017 - Bruxelles
High-level open event at the European Parliament
Register for the Copernicus goes local event!
Join us for the Copernicus Relays and Copernicus Academy launch event on 6 June 2017 in the European Parliament. It will be a first-of-its-kind meeting, gathering Earth Observation actors and industry representatives from across Europe.
With its flagship Copernicus Programme, the EU is bringing a revolution to the world of Earth Observation. Vast amounts of Copernicus Sentinel data are free, fully and openly available to researchers, the business world as well as every citizen, providing ample opportunity for innovation across all industries and sectors.
A new and significant milestone for the Copernicus Programme and for the European Union is ahead: the official inauguration of the Copernicus Relays and the Copernicus Academy. These two networks, recently put in place by the European Commission, are a ground-breaking tool for the strong uptake of the Copernicus Programme across Europe, and have aroused vast interest from entities in all EU countries – and beyond.
For the occasion, the European Commission organises the high-level open conference "Implementing the Space Strategy for Europe: Copernicus Goes Local-Launch of the Copernicus Relays and the Copernicus Academy" which will take place at the European Parliament in Brussels, on 6 June 2017 starting at 13:30.
The conference foresees the participation of the Commissioner for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs, Mrs Elżbieta Bieńkowska, as well as the President of the Committee of the Regions, Mr Markku Markkula, and is hosted by Mrs. Monika Hohlmeier MEP, the chair of the EP’s Sky and Space intergroup.
The event is open to all interested stakeholders. If you are ready to come onboard you can check the agenda and register here: http://workshop.copernicus.eu/copernicus-goes-local. For any questions, please do not hesitate to contact support@copernicus.eu
About Copernicus Relays and the Copernicus Academy
The User Uptake and Market Development team at the European Commission (EC) is working towards ensuring that all current and potential users of the Copernicus Programme know how to harness the power of the Programme and its data. To ensure this, the Copernicus Academy and the Copernicus Relays were launched by the Commission at the end of 2016, and play a pivotal role in achieving this objective.
The Copernicus Relays are the regional voices of Copernicus in the individual Member States, thus creating a bridge between the EC and the end-users of Copernicus. The Academy aims to educate and release an increasing amount of Copernicus-savvy people into the workforce and brings together the educational and research organisation across the EU.
As of today, the Network includes 61 Relays and 79 Academy members, which are now half-way through their first year of operations. Read more about the Relays and the Academy networks.
Banner picture:Sentinel-2 takes us over the border of the US states Utah and Colorado. (© contains modified Copernicus Sentinel data (2016), processed by ESA)